JAS -ANZ accredited An ISO 9001: 2008 & 9001 : 2015 Certified Autonomous Body | A National Programme of Information Technology Education & Development.

Certificate Course in MySQL

Duration:03 Months 
Eligibility: Class X

1. Defination of DBMS and RDBMS.
2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Database.
3. Database Languages (DDL, DML, DCL)
4. Defination of MySql.
5. Advantages of MySql.
6. How does MySql Works in the Backend Process.
7. Definition of Primary Key, Foreign Key, Candidate Key, Alternate Key.
8. Data types of MySql (Char, Varchar, BLOB or Text, Int, Tinyint, Double, Number, Date, Datetime,
Timestamp, Time, Year, Float etc)
9. Sql Commands :
A. Create
B. Show Database
D. Rename
E. Show Tables
F. Insert
G. Alter
H. Drop
I. Describe
J. Select
K. Update
L. Select with where clause
M. Select with Wildcard Characters
N. Select with Count
O. Delete
10. Concept of Relationship with example.
11. Types of Relationship with MySql Commands:
A. 1:1 Relationship
B. 1:Many Relationship
C. Many:Many Relationship
12. Concept of Constraints in MySql with Check Command.
13. Group By and Having Clause, Any and ALL clause,
14. Case Statement
15. Project Work.